CBN Inserts for Cast Iron Blocks and Heads
Cast Iron Heads And Blocks
In our 30 years of selling tooling we have used CBN in many applications. CBN is used in the OEM market for roughing cast iron parts such as brake rotors, cylinder heads, blocks and any other cast iron parts that needs stock removed quickly and with long tool life. Depths of cut at .080" and feed rates of .025" per revolution are common. We've found that when using our "CHIP THICKNESS CHART" we can coach customers to maximize chip thickness for particular speeds and depths of cut. LET US HELP!
CBN Surfacing Inserts
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Cubic Boron Nitride - CBN
Surfacing Cast Iron has never been as high tech as is it today. With ultra smooth surfaces and square blocks in ever increasing demand, finding the right supplier for your shop is important decision. Trust Performance CBN with our shop proven CBN Surfacing Inserts.