Diamond Valve Guide Honing System
Diamond Valve Guide Honing System
Our Diamond Valve Guide Reamer system is a alternative approach to the guide installation process! If you are hand honing bronze guides, this approach is for you! This "Once and Done" Diamond Reamer cuts a precision bore within a .0002" consistency / repeatability. Pre Reaming the guide bore to .0008" from finished size, leaves enough material for the Diamond Reamer to cut well and not load up. Common Light Cutting Fluid Required while in use. The OD of the cutter is has adjustment and is replaceable; but it is designed to be set at an exact size for constant use. Save TIME by gauging all guides at the END of the job, and not multiple times during the job, like traditional guide honing.
Window of adjustment .0012"
Final Bore Size Repeatability within .0002".
Extremely Long Tool Life
Saves Time on the Honing Bench!

Custom Made To Order (8-10 Weeks of Manufacturing)
If you are interested in our Diamond Valve Guide Reamer, all are custom made to order. We can take single unit orders. Email PerformanceCBN@Gmail.com with custom specifications and we can have send you a quote. Available in 4.5MM-10.5MM diameter. Do not forget or order the carbide reamer roughly .0010" or tighter for the pre reaming process. Our standard cataloged carbide guide reamers will work for pre reaming.
UPDATE! - New Standard Sizes Available for Pre Order!
Due to the long custom manufacturing requirements, we have pre ordered some common sizes of diamond reamers. Those sizes are 6.00mm and 8.73mm. We will be adding a few new standard sizes every month as we grow our catalog. Contact us to pre order these two sizes. This is an update as of 2/7/2024.