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Q: Can I purchase over the phone today?
A: Yes, please call our order desk at 269-350-9330​.
Q: Is there a tech engineer I can speak with before I order?
A: Yes, please call 269-217-4262.
Q: Can I check out and pay online?
A: Yes, we are now setup to take internet orders.
Q: How long does it take to process my order?
A: Roughly 24 hours. All orders ship same business day, unless specified otherwise.
Q: Can I get bulk discounts?
A: Yes, email us for discounts over 6 units.
Q: Can you ship international?
A: Yes, but at this time we are not accepting international payments outside Western Union.
Q: Do you inventory your CBN and PCD inserts?
A: Yes, we have plenty in stock here in Kalamazoo MI, USA.
Q: What is your basic return policy?
A: 30 Days No Questions Asked - New In Box Only Returns Only.
Q: What if I want to return my insert after I have tested it, and perhaps it doesn't perform?
A: We are here to help. Contact our tooling engineer for instruction. We do not return used cutters, as these are wear items. Our cutters have been tested against the leading brands, and have out performed.
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